Wednesday, November 7, 2007

First Post!

I created this blog basically as a knitting blog! I will say upfront I am not a faithful blogger. I used to have a xanga and when my company's security settings no longer let me visit xanga, I must say I was relieved (I can still read friend's posts thru my email)! But, with ravelry, etsy, and reading other knitting blogs, I feel the need to create a one. If nothing else, I can comment on other's blogs rather than just lurking :o)
I work during the day and have a precious 5 year old Jonah at home who does not "let me" knit nearly enough! Can't really blame him for wanting my undivided attention in the evenings tho, after being away from each other all day! So, I have to get a lot of my knitting/yarn fix by knitting on my lunch hour, and drooling over pics of yarn and patterns during the day at work. Odd? Probably. But surely I'm not the only one... !!
Thanks for reading.

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